Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Database Tutorial

Reflection on the process of creating a database tutorial

 The database that I went with is called Trueflix from Scholastic it was nice to do since I don’t see much promotion of the resources that my library has. The library pays for a subscription at least that’s what I think because it cannot be accessed otherwise public libraries or schools can access the website. I found doing this video was kind of easy but a little hard because I was thinking of doing a different database then I totally blanked on what it had to offer. So I switched it to Trueflix which was good for me. I had problems with filming it all in one go. Cause I seem to pause a lot then lose my train of thought. Even though I had written down what to say I seem to just bypass all that and say what I notice first. I even practiced I did 4 video takes before the 5th one was the one that was it and I got it done all I wanted to say. I still had messed up in the beginning but it was an easy edit to clean up. I have never done a screen recording so for me that was new and interesting. I used screencastify I had never used it before but it was easy to use. Each time that I had to redo a video because I messed up on what I was doing I decided to try a different feature it offered. It was easy to use the editing tools that it offers. It was an interesting process.

Somethings I learned along the way in doing this is that even do you practice it still might not be great the first time. I had practiced and it still took me 5 times to get it right and that was after I had practiced and even timed myself. It is also okay to mess up because it can be easily fixed when editing the video. Open the database in multiple tabs if needed to say this is going to be the first thing I talked about and so on and so forth. Really it is trying it and seeing what works for you because for me it might have worked but for you, it might be the opposite. 

Here's the link to my database tutorial video:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Betsi!
    This is Kristi Ramsey. I am glad you got screencastify to work. I tried and tried but for some reason, I could not figure out how to allow it on my Mac since it was a google chrome extension. Our library also has TrueFlix. I haven't played around with it much, but thanks to your tutorial, I will give it a go again! Thanks!


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